
August 21, 2014: VAWA 2013 – Housing Protections for Survivors

This webinar provides an overview of the housing protections for survivors under the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA 2013) as well as the federal Fair Housing Act (FHA). The webinar also covers the federal agencies’ implementation of VAWA 2013’s housing provisions. Topics include legal protections, advocacy strategies, and practical tips for protecting survivors under VAWA and FHA.

Click here to view the webinar.
The Powerpoint slides are available here.

Additional materials are available:
1. VAWA 2013 Bulletin Article Jan 2014
2. VAWA Certification Form 5006672014
3. 8-6-13 HUD Notice Applying VAWA
4. RD AN No. 4747 VAWA Implementation
5. Sept 2013 VAWA letter to PHAs
6. 8-30-13 HUD CPD email re VAWA 2013
7. Dec 2013 HOME fires VAWA 2013
8. 2011 2-9 HUD FHEO DV Memo
9. DV and Property Damages Q and A