How Can HJN Members Impact Federal Policy?
On Thursday December 17, NHLP hosted a webinar: How can HJN Members Impact Federal Policy? Noelle Porter, NHLP’s Government Affairs Director, presented federal policy advocacy opportunities in the important context of a Biden-Harris transition. She shared how HJN has informed NHLP’s advocacy to date, and how we’d like to open the dialogue further. Natalie Maxwell, Director of Advocacy & Litigation at Three Rivers Legal Services, Inc. in Gainesville, Florida discussed legal services attorneys’ role in helping frame the national conversation around tenants rights and the need for affordable housing. Both Noelle and Natalie answered questions about how to get more involved and how to directly or indirectly engage federal officials. The webinar kicked-off a series of listening sessions for HJN members to share feedback on NHLP’s policy priorities and to offer challenges from the field that may have federal solutions.
Title: How Can HJN Members Impact Federal Policy?
Meeting Recording:
Access Passcode: Bi4y?kw9
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