On October 10, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officially published a proposed rule that would make it easier for certain immigrants to be...
This webinar discusses the obligation to affirmatively further fair housing and what that means in practice for advocates and public housing authority (PHA) staff. Panelists...
The National Housing Law Project (NHLP) is currently accepting applications from law students for summer 2020 clerkships. NHLP is committed to training law students who...
Survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking have housing rights under federal law, as well as under some state and local laws.
NHLP is looking for a Supervising Attorney to help lead our work on housing justice issues. The position is roughly 50% staff supervision, evaluation and...
NHLP has posted updates to the webpage, “Nuisance and Crime-Free Ordinances Initiative.” Updates include: NHLP Resources for Advocates NHLP Trainings...
On September 12, the National Housing Law Project along with the Food Research & Action Center, Center for Law and Social Policy, and other...
National Low Income Housing Coalition and the National Housing Law Project support the “Fair Chance at Housing Act,” introduced by Senator Kamala Harris and Representative...
On August 19, the Trump Administration put forth another proposal that undermines our basic civil rights protections. Disparate impact is a core legal principle...
The National Housing Law Project submitted comments this July to oppose HUD’s proposed Mixed Status Families Rule which places over 25,000 families at...