This advocacy guide is designed to provide legal services attorneys and tenant advocates with information, guidance, model policies, and lessons learned from RAD Component 1...
HUD Housing Programs: Tenants’ Rights COMPANION WEBSITE Please select the publication by clicking on the link below. VISIT THE COMPANION WEBSITE HERE.
HUD’s multifamily mortgage programs remain an important source of affordability. Two such programs include the Section 236 program, and the Section 221(d)(3) Below Market Interest...
Overseen by a locally appointed board of commissioners, PHAs have discretion to adopt local policies and procedures that do not conflict with federal laws and...
In 1996, Congress authorized the Moving to Work Demonstration program. The program allows selected public housing authorities (PHAs) to design and test ways to promote...
Portability refers to the process by which a family may move with continued assistance to a new location outside of the jurisdiction of the Public...
The Housing Choice Voucher Program provides housing subsidizes to 2.2 million low-income households in the country. HCVs are tenant-based subsidies provided by HUD and administered...
In searching for a dwelling, many households face discrimination by landlords who are unwilling to rent to voucher holders. As a result, several states and...
The online component of the HJN new advocate training will provide an introduction to the major federal housing programs including public housing, vouchers, HUD multifamily,...