The Housing Choice Voucher Program provides housing subsidizes to 2.2 million low-income households in the country. HCVs are tenant-based subsidies provided by HUD and administered...
In searching for a dwelling, many households face discrimination by landlords who are unwilling to rent to voucher holders. As a result, several states and...
The online component of the HJN new advocate training will provide an introduction to the major federal housing programs including public housing, vouchers, HUD multifamily,...
In response to the serious repair needs at public housing properties ($49 billion and rising), Congress...
Throughout the history of HUD, there have been programs that either lack the funding or the adequate affordability protections to ensure that they remain affordable. ...
Section 18 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (USHA) provides that public housing agencies (PHAs) may demolish or dispose of public housing with...
Rural Development Major Housing Programs Appropriations Fiscal Years (FY) 2016-2018* RD Impact of Federal Funding PDF ...