Voucher Funding Resources / September 7, 2017Coming Soon COVID-19 RESOURCES Evictions Survey: What’s Happening on the Ground CDC Eviction Halt Order Federal Government Resources CARES Act Low-Income Housing Tax Credits How the LIHTC program works LIHTC Admissions, Rents, and Grievance Procedures LIHTC Tenant Protections LIHTC and the Violence Against Women Act Advocating for changes in your state through the QAP process LIHTC Preservation and Compliance Project-Based Rental Assistance Impact of Federal Funding Saving HUD Multifamily Homes HUD Mortgage Programs Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Project-Based Vouchers Public Housing Authority Local Policies The Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act (HOTMA) Impact of Federal Funding Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Public Housing PHA Annual and 5-Year Plans Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Demolition and Disposition Moving To Work Section 3: Job Training, Employment, and Business Opportunities Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers Source of Income Discrimination Impact of Federal Funding The Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act (HOTMA) Portability Moving To Work Voucher Utilization Section 202 and Section 811 Programs for the Elderly or Persons with Disabilities USDA Rural Housing Programs Saving Rural Rental Homes LIHTC Preservation and Compliance Funding USDA Rural Housing Programs Impact of Federal Funding