The federal budgets for 2018 and 2019 propose to drastically reduce funding for affordable housing. Simultaneously, HUD is proposing to raise rents on vulnerable tenants,...
In searching for a dwelling, many households face discrimination by landlords who are unwilling to rent to voucher holders. As a result, several states and...
The online component of the HJN new advocate training will provide an introduction to the major federal housing programs including public housing, vouchers, HUD multifamily,...
This webinar provides an overview of the housing protections for survivors under the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA 2013) as well as...
This training is the fourth in a series of webinars designed to assist domestic violence advocates and transitional housing programs in navigating the federally subsidized...
This training is the second in a series of webinars designed to assist domestic violence advocates and transitional housing programs in navigating the federally subsidized...
Domestic violence survivors face numerous barriers in accessing and maintaining housing. These obstacles are substantially compounded when the survivor is limited English proficient (LEP). Federal...
Survivors who have disabilities may face barriers to admission or continued occupancy due to their disability. To allow a survivor with a disability the equal...