Protections for Survivors of Gender-Based Violence
We all deserve a safe and stable place to rest our head at night. However, survivors of gender-based violence, including survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking, face serious housing problems related to the acts of violence, abuse, and control committed against them. In reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2022, Congress recognized that families and individuals are being discriminated against, denied access to, and even evicted from housing because of their status as survivors. Legal service providers are vital partners in the effort to protect survivors from potential homelessness or housing discrimination.
NHLP is a leading national expert on the housing rights of gender-based violence survivors. NHLP provides free technical assistance and training to Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) grantees and subgrantees as well as legal aid attorneys. NHLP has provided numerous trainings and extensive technical assistance on the housing provisions of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), the Fair Housing Act, and state law housing protections for survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, and human trafficking. Some of the services we offer OVW grantees include:
- Technical assistance via phone or email regarding survivors’ housing protections
- Web-based and in-person trainings on common housing issues that survivors face
- Information and materials, such as fact sheets, advocacy materials, and training curricula
VAWA 2022 Housing Protections
December 2024: The Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Department of Justice, the Department of Agriculture, Department of the Treasury, and the Department of Veterans Affairs earlier this year issued the first-ever statement on housing provisions in the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2022 (VAWA). This interagency statement provides an overview of VAWA’s housing protections among all of the current covered housing programs. Read more about the interagency statement and its impact in our winter newsletter.
September 2024: Updates since October 2022 that NHLP has put together in this newsletter. The newsletter highlights the important updates HUD has provided on VAWA 2022, including:
- Information on VAWA and Federal Housing Administration complaints that were resolved by HUD;
- A new HUD study on the experiences and needs of survivors of human trafficking; and
- New HUD VAWA guidance for Continuum of Care, Continuum of Care Recipients, & Emergency Solutions Grant Recipients.
July 2023: Updates since October 2022 that NHLP has put together in this newsletter. The newsletter highlights the important updates HUD has provided on VAWA 2022, including:
- A new complaint process for survivors experiencing violations of their VAWA housing rights;
- A new, more expansive definition of domestic violence to include economic and technological abuse;
- And a new landing page on HUD’s website that is dedicated to providing information on VAWA to survivors, advocates, and housing providers.
The 2022 VAWA Reauthorization went into effect on October 1, 2022, unless otherwise noted. This newsletter, FAQ, English language brochure, and Spanish language brochure outline the new and existing VAWA protections. Here you can find the VAWA HUD complaint article and Rural Rental Housing Options FAQ.
VAWA 2013 Housing Protections
- Advocates are encountering courts that believe the housing protections under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) lapsed because of Congress’s failure to reauthorize VAWA in 2018. VAWA’s housing protections do not have sunset provisions and, therefore, did not expire. Advocates can use this template letter to inform courts that VAWA’s housing provisions remain in effect.
- VAWA 2013’s housing statute – 34 U.S.C. § 12491
- Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
- HUD’s final rule on VAWA 2013 In November 2016, HUD published final regulations implementing VAWA 2013’s housing protections. This rule applies to the HUD programs covered by VAWA 2013. In December 2016, HUD issued corrections to the final rule.
- HUD’s VAWA 2013 forms As part of HUD’s final VAWA 2013 rule, the agency issued four new forms to be used by housing providers. Translated versions of these forms are available on HUD’s website in Armenian, Cambodian, Creole, Japanese, Korean, Lao, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, Thai, and Vietnamese. These forms are:
- Form HUD-5382 VAWA self-certification form
- Form HUD-5380 Notice of occupancy rights under VAWA
- Form HUD-5381 Model emergency transfer plan
- Form HUD-5383 Emergency transfer request form
- HUD notices implementing VAWA 2013 In May and June 2017, HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing and Office of Housing respectively issued notices (PIH-2017-08 (HA) and H 2017-05) for public housing authorities and owners/managers on implementing the requirements of VAWA 2013. The notices provide important guidance and clarification regarding key VAWA 2013 protections and remedies, including emergency transfers, lease bifurcations, and confidentiality.
- Related advocacy materials On June 1, 2015, NHLP, as part of the National VAWA Housing Working Group, submitted detailed comments to HUD on the agency’s proposed rule implementing VAWA 2013.
- USDA Rural Development (RD)
- In this updated administrative notice, RD AN No. 4814 (1944-N), RD informs State Directors, Program Directors, Borrowers, and Management Agents of the agency’s policies on implementing and administering VAWA 2013. For a summary of the notice’s key points, see NHLP’s Spring-Summer 2017 newsletter.
- Related advocacy materials On July 10, 2017, NHLP sent a letter to RD requesting amendments to RD AN No. 4814 (1944-N) and the promulgation of regulations to properly implement VAWA 2013.
COVID-19 Resources
Housing Q&A for Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence During COVID-19 (Nov. 2020) This resource, presented in a Q&A format, outlines basic information for survivors of domestic and sexual violence who rent their homes and who may have concerns about housing stability during the COVID-19 epidemic. The National Alliance for Safe Housing and NHLP jointly developed this resource.
Protecting Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence During COVID-19: A Q&A for Housing Providers (November 2020) This resource, published by the National Alliance for Safe Housing (NASH) and the National Housing Law Project (NHLP), provides information for owners and landlords in a Q&A format on how to help tenants/program participants experiencing domestic or sexual violence during the current pandemic.
What Housing Assistance Is Available to Immigrant Survivors During COVID-19? This new resource from the National Alliance for Safe Housing and the National Immigrant Women’s Advocacy Project describes what help, including emergency shelter and housing assistance, is available for survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, and human trafficking during COVID-19. As COVID-19 has exacerbated housing instability among survivors, it is critical survivors and their advocates understand what housing assistance, emergency shelter, and other public benefits they are eligible for.
Tenant Rights of Domestic Violence Survivors During COVID-19: A Resource for Domestic Violence and Housing Advocates (May 2020) En español: Derechos de las inquilinas sobrevivientes de violencia doméstica durante la epidemia de COVID-19: Un recurso para defensores de víctimas de violencia doméstica y de acceso a la vivienda The current COVID-19 epidemic has created a public health crisis, including increased reports of the incidence of domestic violence in the midst of shelter-in-place orders. Thus, ensuring access to safe, decent, and affordable housing for survivors remains as important as ever. This advocate resource provides a brief overview of the housing rights of survivors in the context of COVID-19.
“Tenants Rights of Survivors During COVID-19” (May 2020) The NHLP Domestic & Sexual Violence and Housing Newsletter features an article outlining the tenant rights of survivors during the COVID-19 pandemic. The article discusses eviction moratoriums, housing protections for survivors (including the Violence Against Women Act), asserting VAWA housing protections during the pandemic, and addressing lost income during the pandemic.
The recording and additional resources for the “HUD Complaint Process for VAWA Survivors” held on Thursday, November 9, 2023 can be found below.
Recording of the Webinar PW: GJw6Y*eT
Additional resources / Helpful Links can be found in slides 38, 39, 40, 41, and 42 of the presentation.
For questions or technical assistance, please contact Kate Walz at kwalz@nhlp.org
NHLP provides a number of webinars and in-person trainings on matters impacting the housing rights of survivors. Materials and recordings from past trainings are archived.
NHLP publishes a newsletter on a variety of current housing issues that affect survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.
National Resource Packets
- The 2022 VAWA Reauthorization went into effect on October 1, 2022, unless otherwise noted. This newsletter, FAQ, English language brochure, and Spanish language brochure outline the new and existing VAWA protections. Here you can find the VAWA HUD complaint article and Rural Rental Housing Options FAQ.
HUD Memos and Guidance
- A landing page on HUD’s website that is dedicated to providing information on VAWA to survivors, advocates, and housing providers.
- Housing Discrimination against Domestic Violence Survivors HUD, “Assessing Claims of Housing Discrimination against Victims of Domestic Violence under the Fair Housing Act (FHAct) and the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)” (Feb. 9, 2011)This memo from HUD’s Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity provides guidance to HUD staff on assessing claims by domestic violence victims of housing discrimination under the Fair Housing Act. According to HUD, claims of discrimination against domestic violence victims are generally based on sex, but may also involve other protected classes such as race or national origin. The memo discusses the legal theories behind these claims and provides examples of cases involving alleged housing discrimination against domestic violence victims.
- Nuisance and Crime-free Ordinances HUD, “Office of General Counsel Guidance on Application of Fair Housing Act Standards to the Enforcement of Local Nuisance and Crime-Free Housing Ordinances Against Victims of Domestic Violence, Other Crime Victims, and Others Who Require Police or Emergency Services” (Sep. 13, 2016)This guidance examines how the enforcement of nuisance ordinances and crime-free housing ordinances could violate the Fair Housing Act. Since the overwhelming majority of domestic violence survivors are women, any policies or practices that affect survivors may constitute sex discrimination under the Fair Housing Act. This HUD guidance focuses on the effect that the enforcement of nuisance and crime-free housing ordinances may have on survivors of domestic violence. For a summary, see NHLP’s January-March 2017 newsletter.In November 2016, several divisions of the Department of Justice – Office on Violence Against Women, the Office on Community Oriented Policing Services, and the Office of Justice Programs – issued a joint statement about the HUD guidance on nuisance and crime-free ordinances. The joint statement notes that ordinances that include exceptions for survivors calling the police may still negatively affect survivors because incidents of domestic violence may be mischaracterized as excessive noise or property damage. The statement calls upon local governments and law enforcement agencies to be aware of such concerns when enforcing existing ordinances, or when considering whether to pass such ordinances, “particularly when they affect vulnerable populations, such as victims of domestic violence or people with disabilities.”
- Harassment in Housing HUD, “Quid Pro Quo and Hostile Environment Harassment and Liability for Discriminatory Housing Practices Under the Fair Housing Act,” Final Rule, 81 Fed. Reg. 63,054 (Sep. 14, 2016)HUD issued a final regulation about harassment in housing. The regulation states that harassment can violate the Fair Housing Act. Importantly, the regulation covers sexual harassment, as well as harassment directed at a person or family because of race, color, national origin, disability, religion, or familial status. The regulation defines two types of harassment: “quid pro quo” harassment and “hostile environment” harassment. For a summary, see NHLP’s January-March 2017 newsletter.HUD, “Questions and Answers on Sexual Harassment under the Fair Housing Act” (Nov. 17, 2008)This 2008 memorandum from HUD’s Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity addresses general questions about sexual harassment in housing under the Fair Housing Act.
- Use of Criminal Records HUD, “Office of General Counsel Guidance on Application of Fair Housing Act Standards to the Use of Criminal Records by Providers of Housing and Real Estate-Related Transactions” (Apr. 4, 2016)This guidance explains that the use of criminal history in housing decisions can have a disproportionate effect on certain groups, which may violate the Fair Housing Act, even in the absence of an intent to discriminate. Housing providers cannot justify a policy of using criminal history in housing decisions based on generalizations or stereotypes about persons with criminal backgrounds. Instead, a housing provider must be able to demonstrate that its use of criminal history in housing decisions “actually assists in protecting resident safety and/or property.” Importantly, the guidance explains that an arrest alone (in the absence of a conviction) is not sufficient to prove that an individual violated the law. For a summary, see NHLP’s January-March 2017 newsletter.
- VAWA Self-petitioners and Immigrant Access HUD, “Eligibility of Battered Noncitizen Self-Petitioners for Financial Assistance Under Section 214 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1980” (Dec. 15, 2016)This memo confirms the eligibility of VAWA self-petitioners for federal housing programs subject to immigration restrictions under Section 214 of the Housing and Community Development Act. These programs include the public housing, Housing Choice Voucher, and project-based Section 8 programs.HUD Notice PIH 2017-02 (HA), Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Self-Petitioner Verification Procedures (Jan. 19, 2017)This notice details how public housing authorities can verify VAWA self-petitioners’ immigration status using the DHS Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) system.DOJ, HHS & HUD, Joint Letter on Immigrant Access to Programs to Protect Life or Safety (Aug. 5, 2016)This joint letter is addressed to recipients of federal financial assistance to remind them that they may not withhold services that are necessary to protect life or safety based on the immigration status of the person seeking such services. The letter reiterates long-standing federal policy that recipients of federal funds may not deny immigrants critical, lifesaving services, such as emergency shelter, short-term housing assistance, counseling, and intervention programs. For a summary, see NHLP’s January-March 2017 newsletter.HUD, The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 and HUD’s Homeless Assistance Programs (Aug. 16, 2016)HUD’s SNAPS office published its own fact sheet with guidance about exceptions to immigration restrictions for assistance funded through the Continuum of Care and Emergency Solutions Grants programs. The fact sheet states that HUD has determined these programs do not have immigration restrictions: Street Outreach Services; Emergency Shelter; Safe Haven; and Rapid Re-Housing. The fact sheet also notes that transitional housing where the HUD funding recipient or sub-recipient owns or leases the building used to provide housing is exempt from immigration restrictions. However, transitional housing programs that provide rental assistance payments are subject to immigration restrictions because rental assistance is provided on the basis of income. For a summary, see NHLP’s Spring-Summer 2017 newsletter. For more information on these topics, see NHLP’s webinar and materials on immigrant access to federally assisted programs.
- Equal Access to Housing HUD, “Equal Access in Accordance With an Individual’s Gender Identity in Community Planning and Development Programs,” Final Rule, 81 Fed. Reg. 64,763 (Sep. 21, 2016)HUD issued a regulation that amends the agency’s 2012 Equal Access Rule, which prohibits housing discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) persons and requires equal access to HUD-funded and HUD-insured programs regardless of an individual’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status. The 2016 regulation specifies obligations under the Equal Access Rule for programs funded by HUD’s Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD), which includes the Emergency Solutions Grants and the Continuum of Care programs. For a summary, see NHLP’s January-March 2017 newsletter.
Cases and Conciliations
PHA allowed an abusive spouse to take a VASH voucher from the household after an incident of domestic violence, which resulted in the survivor and her children being evicted for nonpayment of rent. The survivor filed suit against the housing authority for failure to provide the VAWA Notice of Occupancy Rights and HUD VAWA Certification form, failure to follow the VAWA family breakup procedure that ensures that the survivor retains the housing assistance even in the cash of a VASH voucher, a violation of Due Process for failing to provide notice and a hearing to the survivor before the loss of the VASH voucher, breach of lease for the VAWA violations, and state law claims. The District Court granted partial summary judgment on all of these claims, and found that there was a private right of action via Section 1983 to enforce VAWA and that Defendant’s policies or customs violated her federal VAWA rights under color of state law.
Tolstoi v. Worth, 2023 Vt. Super. 060801, 23-CV-01292 (Jun 08, 2023).
Section 8 landlord sought to evict a tenant from her home but without first providing her and others with a copy of a VAWA Notice of Occupancy Rights and VAWA Self-Certification Form at termination and eviction. The court found that federal regulations provide that a VAWA covered housing provider, such as a landlord for a Section 8 tenant, must provide to the tenants a Notice of Occupancy Rights under VAWA with any notification of eviction or notification of termination of assistance. The court found that the VAWA notice is required regardless of the basis for the eviction. The court also noted that other courts have dismissed cases where the required notice is not provided, holding that termination notices sent without the VAWA notice are insufficient and legally inadequate to properly terminate the tenancy. See, e.g., DHI Cherry Glen Assocs., L.P. v. Gutierrez, 46 Cal.App. 5th Supp. 1, 10, (Cal.App. Dept Super. Ct. 2019); Hous. Auth. of City of Hartford v. Shahine, No. HFH-CV21-6017325S, 2022 WL 2663954, at *2 (Conn. Super. Ct. 2022). The court found that a failure to provide the required Notice of Occupancy Rights (which should be accompanied by the VAWA Self-Certification Form) means that the tenancy was not properly terminated requiring that the case be dismissed.
Dickinson v. Zanesville, 975 F.Supp.2d 863 (S.D. Ohio 2013)
Other Resources
The website for the Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium that provides resources and tools to advance work at the intersection of domestic violence, sexual assault, homelessness, and housing.
The ACLU Women’s Rights Project website contains litigation documents, fact sheets and other materials regarding survivors’ housing rights.
Legal Momentum’s website contains a variety of materials on survivors’ housing rights, including statistics and litigation documents.
NNEDV’s Housing Project supports transitional housing programs across the country, through training, program development, and policy advocacy. This website includes a toolkit for transitional housing providers.
This website contains a number of fact sheets, statistics, reports, and advocates’ guides on the intersection between housing, homelessness, and sexual violence.
This website provides a variety of training and technical assistance resources to support survivors of sexual assault.
This website provides a variety of training and technical assistance resources to support survivors of domestic violence and domestic violence advocates.
This website provides information on national and local communities of color sexual assault organizations.
This website provides information on its housing project which offers training and technical assistance on voluntary, trauma-informed, and survivor-centered housing practices for survivors of human trafficking.
- The National Tenants Bill of Rights
- Saving Affordable Homes
- Housing Voucher Utilization
- Protections for Survivors of Gender-Based Violence
- Nuisance and Crime-Free Ordinances Initiative
- Immigrant Rights
- Fair Housing & Housing for People with Disabilities
- Housing Opportunities for People Reentering
- Healthy Housing
- Tenants and Foreclosure
- Utility Allowances, Energy-Efficiency, and Renewables in Affordable Housing